Sanitary Sewer Management Plan
This Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) has been prepared in compliance with requirements of the State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) pursuant to Order No. 2022-0103, Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for Sanitary Sewer Systems. The WDR requires development and implementation of a written SSMP, and defines eleven mandatory SSMP elements. The WDR also defines associated monitoring, record keeping, reporting, and public notification requirements.
The McKinleyville Community Services District's (MCSD’s) SSMP has been prepared with the assistance of Freshwater Environmental Services (FES), as described in the agreement between the MCSD and FES dated December 27, 2010. This initial SSMP will become a living document, and should be updated as needed to reflect changes to the SSMP elements. The intent of this SSMP is to meet the requirements of the Statewide WDR.
This document presents eleven elements in the order presented in the WDR:
- Goals;
- Organization;
- Legal Authority;
- Operation and Maintenance Program;
- Design and Performance Provisions;
- Overflow Emergency Response Plan;
- Sewer Pipe Blockage (SPB) Control Program;
- System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan;
- Monitoring, Measurement, and Program Modifications;
- SSMP Program Audits; and
- Communication Plan.
As contained in the MCSD National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, MCSD (or the District) operates a wastewater management facility (WWMF) that treats residential and commercial wastewater from the District and serves approximately 16,500 residents. The WWMF provides advanced secondary treatment and consists of headworks screening, in-basin extended aeration system, and secondary clarification. From October 1 through May 14th, the District chlorinates/dechlorinates and discharges to the Mad River. From May 15th through September 30th, the District chlorinates and sends the effluent through polishing wetlands and then irrigates land and grows fodder for organic dairy operations.
McKinleyville CSD Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP)
(Updated February, 2025)